
Trial Run Monday Morning Beauty Tip

Fashion Saverz removes deodorant marks from your garments.Fashion Saverz removes deodorant marks from garments.

When I first laid eyes on a pink, amoeba-shaped sponge that claimed to briskly whisk away new deodorant stains, my first thought was “silly and unnecessary.”

But first impressions can be wrong. A few swipes with the Fashion Saverz sponge (also available in gray), and the deodorant marks that inevitably end up on my black garb each morning disappeared as swiftly as lines on an Etch A Sketch.

Beauty Spots

Beauty news, trends and backstage coverage.

No need to scrub the marks with a washcloth and commute to work with wet blotches on my shirt or dress. The packaging says the sponge coach handbags wholesale, by a women-owned company called ZiziBizy, can also remove pet hair and makeup residue, and is good for up to 30 uses. Will I shell out $5 a month for a sartorial sponge? No. Will I use one when I’m on the go (or indulging my laziness)? You bet. That’s my kind of spring cleaning.

